
How To Pray The 54 Day Rosary Novena

The 54 day Rosary Novena history

Amidst the numerous texts and prayers written past Blessed Bartolo Longo, there is the "Novena of Petition", equanimous in July of 1879.  Having been struck down with typhoid fever, Bartolo Longo wrote it in club to ask for graces in the nigh desperate cases.

Every day he went earlier the Picture show of the Virgin of the Rosary to exist inspired and to do some corrections. Just ane mean solar day, owing to a serious worsening of His affliction, he taught that the merely remedy was to take the Motion picture of the Virgin from the Chapel and place it in His sleeping room. Turning to Saint Catherine of Siena and so that she would intercede in His favour with Our Lady, he suddenly recovered. Since then, the Heavenly Female parent has been granting graces to anyone prays to Her with the Novena written by Her about profound devotee.

In 1894, at Arpino (Italian republic), Saint Catherine of Siena, represented at the anxiety of the Virgin in the Pompeiian Icon, appeared to a dying young girl and invited her to recite the Novena and to pray it together with her.  At the end of the prayer the young girl was perfectly cured. The Novena, approved by Pope Leo Thirteen on November 29th, 1887.

Amid the many persons prodigiously cured by Our Lady of Pompeii, there is likewise the Commendatore Agrelli'south daughter of Naples, to whom Our Lady appeared personally in 1884 and told her: "Whenever you lot wish to obtain graces from me, make three Novenas of Petition and at the same time recite the fifteen decades of my Rosary and and then 3 Novenas of Thanks". The young Fortunatina Agrelli made according to the Virgin's indications and was miraculously cured.

The Novena consists the 5 decades of the Holy Rosary of the twenty-four hour period, each preceded past the five prayers of the Novena of Impetration (the first prayer followed by the first decade, the 2d prayer followed past the 2d decade and so on). At the end of these starting time 27 days, continue to recite the Holy Rosary for another 27 days in the same way, alternating the decades with the prayers of the Thanksgiving novena regardless of whether the request has been fulfilled. This is the 54 day rosary novena.

Text of the Novena of Petition to the Blessed Virgin of the Rosary of Pompeii

O Saint Catherine of Siena, my Protectress and Teacher, who from heaven assist your devotees as they recite Mary'due south Rosary, come up to my help in this moment and deign to recite along with me the Novena to the Queen of the Rosary who has established the throne of her graces in the Valley of Pompeii, that through your intercession I may obtain the grace I want. Amen.

O God, come up to my aid.
O Lord, make haste to help me.

Glory be to the Father, etc. I. O Immaculate Virgin and Queen of the Holy Rosary, in these times of expressionless organized religion and triumphant impiety y'all have desired to plant your throne of Queen and Female parent in the ancient country of Pompeii, the resting place of deceased pagans. From this place in which idols and demons were worshipped, you lot today, as the Female parent of divine grace, shower the treasures of heavenly mercy far and broad.

O Mary, from this throne upon which you graciously reign, plough upon me also your benign eyes, and have mercy on me who am so greatly in need of your assist. Show yourself to me, just as you have shown yourself to so many others, equally the truthful Mother of mercy: while I with all my heart greet you, and invoke you as my Sovereign and Queen of the Holy Rosary.

Hail, Holy Queen II. Prostrate before your throne, O dandy and glorious Lady, my soul venerates you amongst the groans and sighs which agonize information technology beyond measure. In this land of anguish and affliction in which I detect myself, I confidently elevator up my eyes to you, who accept deigned to choose the land of poor and abandoned peasants every bit your dwelling-identify. And there, before the urban center and amphitheatre where there reign silence and ruin, you lot, the Queen of Victories, have raised your powerful voice to telephone call from every office of Italy and the Catholic globe your devoted sons and daughters, to build a Temple to you. May you now be moved to pity for this soul of mine that lies here humiliated in the mud.

Have mercy on me, O my Lady, have mercy on me who am overwhelmingly covered in misery and humiliation. You, who are the extermination of demons, defend me from these enemies besieging me. You, who are the Help of Christians, deliver me from these tribulations which wretchedly oppress me. You, who are our Life, triumph over decease which threatens my soul in these dangers to which it is exposed; grant to me peace, quiet, dearest and health. Amen.

Hail, Holy Queen III. The knowledge that so many have been helped by you, solely because they turned to you with faith, gives me new strength and backbone to telephone call upon you in my needs. Yous once promised St. Dominic that those wishing graces shall receive them through your Rosary. Now I, your Rosary in my hands, dare to remind you, O Mother, of your holy promises. Indeed, yous yourself work countless miracles in our times in order to telephone call your children to honour you lot in the Temple of Pompeii. You therefore long to wipe away our tears, you yearn to relieve our hurting! So I, with my heart bared and with burning faith, call upon you and invoke you: My Mother!… Beloved Mother!… Beautiful Mother!… Nigh Sweet Mother, come to my aid!

Mother and Queen of the Holy Rosary of Pompeii, filibuster no longer in stretching your powerful hand out to me, to save me: for you run across, delay would be my ruin.

Hail, Holy Queen Iv. And to whom else might I go, if not to you who are the Solace of the wretched, the Comforter of the forsaken, the Consolation of the afflicted? I confess to you, my soul is miserable: weighed downwards by enormous faults, it deserves to burn in hell, unworthy of receiving graces!

Simply are you lot not the Hope of those who despair, the Mother of Jesus the only mediator between God and humanity, our powerful Abet by the throne of the Almighty, the Refuge of sinners? Then, only say a word on my behalf to your Son, and He shall hear you. Ask of Him, O Mother, this grace which I am and so greatly in demand of. (Here express the grace yous want.) You lonely can obtain it for me: y'all who are my just promise, my consolation, my sweet, my whole life. And so I hope. Amen.

Hail, Holy Queen V. O Virgin and Queen of the Holy Rosary, you who are the Daughter of our Heavenly Male parent, the Mother of the divine Son, the Bride of the Holy Spirit; y'all who can obtain everything from the Blessed Trinity: I beseech you, seek this grace so necessary for me, provided that it exist non an obstruction to my eternal salvation. (Here repeat the grace yous desire.)

I enquire this of y'all through your Immaculate Conception, your divine Maternity, your joys, your sorrows, your triumphs. I ask it of you through the Center of your loving Jesus, through those nine months y'all bore Him in your womb, through the hardships of His life, His bitter passion, His death on the cantankerous, His most holy Name and His most precious Claret. Finally, I ask information technology of yous through your sweetest Heart: in your glorious Proper name, O Mary, who are the Star of the sea, Our Powerful Lady, the Sea of sorrow, the Gate of Heaven and the Mother of every grace. In you I identify my trust and my every hope; relieve me, I pray. Amen.

Hail, Holy Queen V. Queen of the Holy Rosary, pray for us

That nosotros may become worthy of Christ's promises. Prayer – O God, by His life, death and resurrection your Simply Begotten Son obtained for usa the fruits of eternal conservancy: grant, nosotros beseech you, that by venerating these mysteries of Virgin Mary's Holy Rosary, we imitate what they contain and obtain what they hope. Through Christ, our Lord. Amen.


O holy priest of God and glorious Patriarch, Saint Dominic, who were the friend, the beloved son and the confidant of our heavenly Queen, and who worked many miracles through the power of the Holy Rosary; and you, Saint Catherine of Siena, the leading daughter of this Order of the Rosary and a powerful mediator by the throne of Mary and the Centre of Jesus, with whom y'all exchanged hearts: O my beloved holy Saints, consider my needs and pity the state I find myself in. On earth you possessed a middle open up to all the miseries of others, and a hand powerful enough to accept care of them. And now, in Sky, neither your charity nor you power has been lessened.

On my behalf then, pray to our Mother of the Rosary and to her Divine Son, for I take keen organized religion that through y'all I shall obtain the grace I ardently desire. Amen.

Three Glory be to the Male parent.

Text of the Novena of Thanks to the Blest Virgin of the Rosary of Pompeii

O God, come to my aid.
O Lord, make haste to assistance me.

Here am I at your feet, O Immaculate Female parent of Jesus, who delight in being invoked as Queen of the Rosary of the Valley of Pompeii. Rejoicing in my heart, my soul overwhelmed past the most ardent gratitude, I render to you lot, my generous Benefactress, my sweetness Lady, the Queen of my heart, to you who have truly shown yourself as my Mother who so dearly loves me.

In my laments yous heard me, in my afflictions yous comforted me, in my anguish you gave me peace. Sorrows and the pains of expiry were besieging my heart, and you lot, O Mother, from your throne in Pompeii, by your compassionate gaze, offered me relief. Who has ever turned to you lot with confidence and has not been heard? If all the world only knew how expert you are, how compassionate with those who endure, all creatures would turn to you lot. May you for ever exist blessed, O Sovereign Virgin of Pompeii, by me and by everyone, by humanity and by the Angels, by Sky and by earth. Amen

Glory be to the Father.

Hail, Holy Queen 2.

I offer thanks to God and to you, O divine Mother, for the new favours that take been granted to me through your compassion and mercy. What would accept go of me, had you turned your back on my groans and my tears? May the Angels of paradise and the choirs of Apostles, Martyrs, Virgins and Confessors give thanks yous for me. May all the souls of sinners saved by you, who now enjoy the vision of your immortal beauty in heaven, thank you for me.

I wish all creatures to bring together me in loving you lot, and that all the world repeat the echo of my thanks. What have I to offer you, O Queen, rich in mercy and magnificence? What remains of my life I dedicate to you, and to the propagating of your cult everywhere, O Virgin of the Rosary of Pompeii, through whose invocation the grace of the Lord has visited me. I shall promote the devotion of your Rosary; I will tell anybody of the mercy you have obtained for me; I shall ever proclaim your goodness towards me, and so that others as well, unworthy as I and sinners, may turn to y'all with confidence.

Glory be to the Father.

Hail, Holy Queen III.

By what names shall I call you, O snow white pigeon of peace? By what titles shall I invoke you, whom the holy Doctors called Our Lady of creation, Gate of life, Temple of God, Purple Palace of calorie-free, Celebrity of the heavens, Holy among the Holy, Miracle of miracles, Paradise of the Virtually High? You are the Treasurer of graces, the Almighty of supplication, indeed, the very Mercy of God which descends upon the unfortunate.

Nonetheless I know that your center takes pleasure also in being invoked every bit the Queen of the Rosary, of the Valley of Pompeii. And when invoking you in this mode, I hear the sugariness of your mystical Name, O Rose of Paradise, transplanted in the Valley of tears to salve the sorrows of us banished children of Eve; reddish Rose of clemency, more fragrant than all the perfumes of Lebanese republic, drawing the hearts of sinners to the Centre of God in your Valley by the fragrance of your heavenly sweet.

Yous are the Rose of everlasting freshness who, nourished past the streams of heavenly waters, planted your roots in soil scorched past a shower of fire; a Rose of unblemished beauty, who planted the Garden of the Lord's delights in a country of desolation. May God be exalted, who made your proper name so wondrous. Bless, O nations, the Proper noun of the Virgin of Pompeii, for all the world is total of her mercy.

Glory exist to the Father.

Hail, Holy Queen IV.

In the midst of the storms raging about me I lifted my eyes to you lot, new Star of hope that appeared in our times over the Valley of ruins. From the depths of sorrow I raised my voice to you lot, O Queen of the Rosary of Pompeii, and I experienced the power of this title and so dear to you. Hail, I shall always cry, Hail O Mother of mercy, immense sea of grace, ocean of kindness and pity! Who shall worthily sing the glories of your Rosary, the victories of your Crown?

The globe has freed itself of Jesus' arms to go abandoned in those of Satan, yet you make prepare to restore information technology to health in that Valley where Satan devours souls. Triumphant you rode over the ruins of the pagan temples, and upon the decay of idolatry placed the footstool of your rule. You transformed a region of death into a Valley of resurrection and life, and upon the land ruled over by your enemy y'all established a City of refuge, where you lot welcome the nations unto their salvation.

Behold your children, spread throughout the world, who raised a throne to y'all in this place, as a testimonial) of your miracles, as a trophy of your mercies. From this throne you lot have called me as well, among your chosen children: upon me a sinner your merciful gaze has rested. May your works be everlastingly blessed, my Lady: and blessed be all the miracles worked by You in this valley of desolation and ruin.

Glory be to the Father

Hail, Holy Queen V.

May every tongue resound with your celebrity, O Mary; may the evening hand on to the following day the harmony of our blessings. Let every generation proclaim you blessed, and let all the regions of the world and the heavenly choirs repeat, blessed are you. I too shall call you three times blessed with the Angels, the Archangels and the Principalities; iii times blest with the angelic Powers, the Virtues of the heavens and the celestial Dominations. I shall proclaim y'all well-nigh Blest with the Thrones, the Cherubim and the Seraphim.

O my Sovereign Rescuer, may you never plough your merciful gaze away from this family unit, this nation, the unabridged Church building. Particularly, do not deny me the greatest of graces: that I never become separated from you lot through my weakness. Permit me persevere until my last breath in the faith and love with which my soul in this moment burns.

And grant that all of us who contribute to the maintenance of your Shrine in Pompeii, and to the building-up of its charitable works, exist included in the number of the called. O Holy Rosary of my Mother, I printing y'all tightly to my bosom and buss you with veneration. (Here kiss your rosary.) You are the way leading to every virtue, the treasure of merits for paradise, the pledge of my predestination, the strong chains binding the enemy, the source of peace for those who honour you throughout life, the promise of victory for those kissing yous at the point of death. In that last hour I await you, O Mother. Your actualization volition exist the sign of my salvation; your Rosary shall open before me the gates of Heaven. Amen

Glory be to the Begetter

Hail, Holy Queen Five.

Queen of the Holy Rosary, pray for us.

Prayer – O God and Begetter of our Lord Jesus Christ, who taught us to plough to you with conviction and phone call you lot: Our Father, who art in heaven; O gracious Lord, e'er merciful and forgiving: through the intercession of Immaculate Virgin Mary, hear u.s. who take delight in being called children of the Rosary. Take our apprehensive thanks for the gifts we accept received; and daily render the throne yous have established in the Shrine of Pompeii more glorious and lasting, through the merits of Jesus Christ Our Lord. Amen


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